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Power Loader

Salesforce uploads are now much easier. Import and update data in your spreadsheets with only a few clicks. It’s designed to make migration quick, easy, and error-free.



Updating Skills

Empowers non-admin team members to import, update, or upsert records from spreadsheets with minimal hassle.


The specialized import wizard guides users step-by-step how to backup data in Salesforce


Predefines parameters with ease, ensure to import data from excel to Salesforce correctly.


CloudNxt Power Loader is the best data loader for salesforce and is fully native allowing imported and processed files to be moved securely


The object-agnostic app allows users to upload standard as well as even custom objects into Salesforce

Quick Migration

Processes up to 200,000 data records per file while spotting errors during each transfer

Find out how felho apps can help revolutionise your data management

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